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Kevin Hart, Jerry Seinfeld, Russell Peters, Dave Chapelle, Eddie Murphy. Kreyolicious: If you were creating an advisory board of comedians, who would you include and why?

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Whether he’s on stage by himself, or as a member of Haitian-American Productions, a coalition of Haitian-American comedians, whether he’s serving that Liberty City/Miami humor or island jokes, Plus Daddy is the man.Ĭheck out PART II of the interview with Plus Daddy as conducted by your favorite chick Kreyolicious. He’s one of the most talked-about comedy heads in South Florida, and one of the most popular Haitian-American comedians showcased on social media. But getting tongues wagging is nothing new for the bearded comedian.

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Last year, Haitian-American comedian Plus Daddy set off a lot of buzz when he was featured on Kevin Hart’s/Comedy Central’s “Hart Of The City”.

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